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Our Company 

Gal­le GmbH is a medi­um-sized com­pa­ny for forestry ser­vices, gar­dening and land­sca­ping, com­pos­ting and soil pro­duc­tion in the Elbe-Els­ter dis­trict in the south of Brandenburg.

It meets high envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards in harm­o­ny with natu­re, is cer­ti­fied as a was­te manage­ment com­pa­ny and with the RAL qua­li­ty seals for forest and land­scape manage­ment and for com­pos­ting.

The face of the com­pa­ny is curr­ent­ly cha­rac­te­ri­zed by 38 employees who work in a varie­ty of deman­ding pro­fes­si­ons ran­ging from fores­ter in forestry work or gar­de­ner in land­sca­ping to locks­mith, machi­ne ope­ra­tor, far­mer, civil engi­neer, road buil­der, metal worker, engi­neers in hor­ti­cul­tu­re or agri­cul­tu­ral eco­no­mics to gra­dua­te forestry engi­neer and others.


The brot­hers Gerd and Hart­mut Gal­le foun­ded the com­pa­ny „Com­pos­ting and Land­sca­ping“ in the fall of 1990. They have dedi­ca­ted them­sel­ves to the pre­ser­va­ti­on and increase of the orga­nic eco­no­mic cycle, from the pro­duc­tion of RAL qua­li­ty com­post as a soil impro­ver and fer­ti­li­zer to spe­cial soil and sub­stra­te pro­duc­tion, gent­le soil cul­ti­va­ti­on from shal­low mul­ching to deep mil­ling, plan­ting work of all kinds from forest shrubs to deman­ding high trunks inclu­ding eco-pond con­s­truc­tion and path con­s­truc­tion and the care of woo­dy plants to value-added mecha­ni­zed tim­ber harvesting.

After the deploy­ment of a new manage­ment in 2015 and the sub­se­quent sale of the com­pa­ny shares in 2017, buil­ding on the tra­di­ti­ons, the are­as of forestry ser­vices and gar­dening and land­sca­ping have grown, the com­pos­ting and soil pro­duc­tion expan­ded and the machi­nery expan­ded and modernized.