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Wood Chips in Various Sizes 

We pro­du­ce wood chips in various sizes for dif­fe­rent purposes.

G30/​G50 Barkless:

For pulp and paper and board pro­duc­tion. It is debark­ed befo­re the chip­ping pro­cess. It is pro­ces­sed most­ly from Pine wood.

G60 Shreddered:

From Stumps, brun­ches and gene­ral forest bio­mass. After being shred­de­red, the mate­ri­al is scree­ned to remo­ve pos­si­ble mine­rals from exam­p­le from stumps. We have an appo­si­te­ly made 75 ✕ 75 shred­der screen to be moun­ted on our Ver­meer HG 6000. This ensu­res the mate­ri­al uni­for­mi­ty. It is pro­ces­sed most­ly from Pine, Birch, Oak and Aca­cia wood.

G100 Energy Wood:

Our most com­mon pro­duct. It is purely forest bio­mass and is pro­ces­sed with an Albach chip­per with Gen 7 Rotor allo­wing to pro­du­ce uni­form and big size wood­chips which are par­ti­cu­lar­ly app­re­cia­ted in steam or dia­ther­mic oil power sta­ti­ons. It is pro­ces­sed most­ly from Pine, Birch, Oak, Aca­cia and some­ti­mes Pop­lar wood.

G30–G50 Energy Wood:

Our pro­duct from forest resi­du­als. It is pro­ces­sed also with the Albach chip­per but with a 50 ✕ 50 screen. It is pro­ces­sed most­ly from Pine, Birch, Oak, Aca­cia and some­ti­mes Pop­lar wood.