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Gal­le GmbH offers wood and wood pro­ducts, soil of dif­fe­rent com­po­si­ti­on for your dif­fe­rent needs, mulch and com­post for soil improvement.

Bark Mulch

Our bark mulch, made main­ly of Lusa­ti­an pine, is offe­red in dif­fe­rent scree­nings. It is sui­ta­ble for cove­ring peren­ni­al beds, tree gra­tes and gar­den paths. It redu­ces weed growth and ero­si­on dama­ge and ser­ves as a water reser­voir or redu­ces the dry­ing out of the soil.


Plants in the gar­den extra­ct nut­ri­ents from the soil that they need to grow. The­se nut­ri­ents must be added back to the soil through fer­ti­liza­ti­on. Com­post is a slow-release orga­nic fer­ti­li­zer that pro­vi­des all the major and trace nut­ri­ents for plants. As the gardener’s black gold, it increa­ses the humus con­tent of the soil when appli­ed over many years, impro­ves soil struc­tu­re and the abili­ty to retain water. The high pH value of the com­post has a liming effect. Our com­post has the RAL qua­li­ty seal and is gua­ran­teed to be weed seed free thanks to this inde­pen­dent qua­li­ty control.


Top­soil or soil is the foun­da­ti­on for all living plants. It is par­ti­cu­lar­ly fer­ti­le as a nitro­­gen-rich top­soil that con­ta­ins mine­rals, nut­ri­ents, anae­ro­bic bac­te­ria and soil micro­or­ga­nisms such as ear­thworms and . Far­mers also call it top­soil. Top­soil should also retain and fil­ter rain­wa­ter. A top­soil lay­er should be 20 to 30 cm thick. Top­soil is natu­ral, but in our coun­try alre­a­dy impro­ved with compost.

Planting Soil for Trees and Shrubs

Our pot­ting soil, which con­sists of 40 per­cent loamy soil, 20 per­cent lava, 20 per­cent bark humus and 20 per­cent RAL-cer­­ti­­fied qua­li­ty com­post with a PH value of 6.9, is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for plants in gar­dens, green­hou­ses, vege­ta­ble and rai­sed beds, and con­tai­ner cul­ti­va­ti­on. The plan­ting soil bene­fits espe­ci­al­ly woo­dy plants of all kinds, roses, gar­den flowers, hedges, peren­ni­als. It is also used for soil improvement.

Potting Soil

Pot­ting soil is main­ly sui­ta­ble for house­plants, pot­ted plants, bal­c­o­ny and ter­race plants, most of which are often kept as annu­als or per­ma­nent­ly in pots. It is com­po­sed of RAL-cer­­ti­­fied qua­li­ty com­post, a clay-wood fiber mix­tu­re, bark humus and some per­li­gran (a mine­ral aggre­ga­te that pro­mo­tes opti­mal growth of fine roots).

Contact us!

Your cont­act for com­pos­ting and soils:

Cor­du­la Roland

Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916-12
» cont­act form

Price List

1. Wood chips € per ton € per m³
1.1. hard­wood chips 10-30 mm (sie­ved) 65,00
1.2. hard­wood chips 30-80 mm (sie­ved) 65,00
1.3. soft­wood chips 30-80 mm (sie­ved) 65,00
2. Bark mulch
€ per ton € per m³
2.1. bark mulch, frac­tions 0–20 mm curr­ent­ly only available on request 50,00
2.2. bark mulch, frac­tions 10–40 mm curr­ent­ly only available on request 50,00
2.3. bark mulch, frac­tions 10–80 mm curr­ent­ly only available on request 50,00
2.4. bark humus, frac­tions 0–15 mm curr­ent­ly not available 60,00
3. Com­post € per ton € per m³
3.1. RAL qua­li­ty com­post, frac­tions < 15 mm
curr­ent­ly only available on request
17,50 14,00
4. Soils and substrates
€ per ton € per m³
4.1. Top­soil
for grass see­ding, frac­tions < 20 mm sie­ved and enri­ched with RAL qua­li­ty compost
14,50 20,00
4.2. Pot­ting soil
with RAL qua­li­ty com­post, clay-loam-lava G.+Perligran
4.3. Toma­to and vege­ta­ble soil
with RAL qua­li­ty com­post, clay-loam-lava G.+Perligran
4.4. Plan­ting soil for trees and shrubs
accor­ding to availability
on request 68,00
4.5. Fill soil/​​substructure material
3,57 3,93
5. Wood
(only after advan­ce order)
€ per piled meter
5.1. Fire­wood of coni­fe­rous wood, pine
dia­me­ter < 30 cm, length = 2,0 m /​​ 3,0 m
5.2. Fire­wood from hard­wood, robinia
dia­me­ter < 30 cm, length = 2,0 m /​​ 3,0 m
6. Fence buil­ding material
(only after advan­ce order)
€ per piece
6.1. Split wood piles (oak, robi­nia), length 2.7 m 10,00
6.2. Log piles (robi­nia), length 2.0 m 17,00
6.3. Log piles (robi­nia), length 2.5 m 20,00
6.4. Log piles (robi­nia), length 3.0 m 23,00
6.5. Log piles (pine, spruce) mil­led, not poin­ted, length 2.0 m 4,00
6.6. Log piles (pine, spruce) mil­led, poin­ted, length 2.0 m 4,00
6.7. Metal Z-pro­­fi­­le posts, length 2,10 m 9,00
6.8. Metal Z-pro­­fi­­le posts, length 2,50 m 11,00
6.9. Ground anchor, metal, length 0,50 m 2,50
6.10. Knot­ted mesh medi­um, 50 m/​​roll, height 1,60 m 126,00
6.11. Knot­ted mesh medi­um, 50 m/​​roll, height 1,80 m 142,00
6.12. Knot­ted mesh medi­um, 50 m/​​roll, height 2,00 m 160,00
7. Loa­ding pri­ce up to 1 m³

(Pri­ce list valid from 02-20-2023. All pri­ces in EUR incl. VAT. Pri­ce chan­ges and errors excepted.)