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We are There for You: In Garden and Landscape 

Our pro­fes­sio­nal gar­den­ers and land­scapers lay out green are­as, gar­dens, out­door and pond are­as accor­ding to your wis­hes. They plant and main­tain trees, shrubs and flowers, sow lawns, inclu­ding wet-see­ding spray­ing on roofs, walls or embankments.

Our offers in gardening and landscaping:

  • con­s­truc­tion, repair and main­ten­an­ce of fen­ces, also for the pro­tec­tion of game and amphibians
  • earth embank­ments, equip­ped with ero­si­on con­trol mats or fascines
  • soil mixing and sie­ving works
  • natu­ral soil impro­ve­ment
  • pru­ning of young trees with tree pru­ning or twig growth cor­rec­tion, main­ten­an­ce or shor­tening of crowns, rem­oval of dry branches
  • trans­plan­ting of lar­ge trees, felling of trees wort­hy of pre­ser­va­ti­on with the most modern tech­no­lo­gy, mil­ling of rootstocks
  • making cle­aran­ces on roads for traf­fic safety
  • dis­po­sal of lea­ves, gar­den was­te, tree pruning

Contact Us!

Your cont­act for gar­dening and landscaping:

Sieg­mar Hille

Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916-0
» cont­act form