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We deli­ver on request, pick up and also pro­vi­de con­tai­ners for com­post­a­ble mate­ri­als if required.

Price List

Truck deli­very cost base pri­ce for sin­gle trips (ent­ry width min. 2.7 m)
up to 10,0 km per tour 115,00
up to 20,0 km per tour 154,00
up to 30,0 km per tour 208,00
Mul­ti­cardeli­very cost base pri­ce for sin­gle trips (max. 1,12 t or 1,2 m³ flat loaded)
up to 10,0 km per tour 59,50
up to 20,0 km per tour 107,10
up to 30,0 km per tour 190,40
up to 40,0 km per tour 214,20
Con­tai­ner deli­veries (place and pick up after 1 day)
Place and coll­ect con­tai­ners (15−39 m³) for com­post­a­ble waste
up to 10 km per con­tai­ner 214,20
10 to 20 km per con­tai­ner 297,50
20 to 30 km per con­tai­ner 380,80
Con­tai­ner stand fee from the second day per day 7,50
Con­tai­ner loa­ding in the depot (max. 9 t) per ton (m³) 8,00
Loa­ding with truck moun­ted crane per hour 196,00
Exter­nal weighing per weig­hing 14,00

(Pri­ce list valid from March 14, 2022. All pri­ces in EUR incl. VAT. Pri­ce chan­ges and errors excepted.)