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Lawn clip­pings, fal­len fruit, lea­ves - natu­re pro­du­ces quan­ti­ties of gree­n­ery all year round. But whe­re to put it when this pha­se of vege­ta­ti­on is over? The com­post heap in your own gar­den is quick­ly over­whel­med. We take the green was­te from you and add it back to the cycle of natu­re. Green was­te is

  • lea­ves
  • lawn and hedge cuttings
  • tree and shrub cuttings
  • fal­len fruit and withe­red plants
  • tree trunks and stumps

If lar­ger quan­ti­ties of green was­te are gene­ra­ted, they can also be coll­ec­ted. We pro­vi­de con­tai­ners with a capa­ci­ty of 15 to 40 cubic meters.

Contact us!

Your cont­act for com­pos­ting and soils:

Cor­du­la Roland

Pho­ne: +49 35323 68916-12
» cont­act form

Price List

per ton per m³
1. Green was­te (pru­ning, lea­ves, grass, straw, etc.)
Smal­lest quan­ti­ties: up to 3 m³, the­re­af­ter bil­ling by tons
Mini­mum amount: 4,00 €
43,20 6,50
2. Tree stumps and thick wood with dia­me­ter > 20 cm 59,00 12,00
3. Loam break curr­ent­ly no acceptance 10,00 pri­ce on request
4. Loam und clay 4,00 pri­ce on request

Quan­ti­ties up to 400 kg are char­ged in m³!

(Pri­ce list valid from June 01, 2022. All pri­ces in EUR incl. VAT. Pri­ce chan­ges and errors excepted.)